逆转裁判ds 第五章攻略 :: 游民星空 GamerSky.com

34. Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live. 笑得和呼吸一样多,爱得像活得一样久。 35. Can you give me a hug the next time I see you. 下次见你可以抱一下吗。 36. I can do am not many,but you need time,I always...

As you know from the time I came back 你们知道,我刚回克利夫兰时 he was one of he guys that I singled out 我把他挑出来专门研究 You can always rely on him no matter 他永远值得信赖 no matter what\\'s going on 不论形势如何 you see the talent ...

5.As you can see,I had nothing to do with the "forgery". 对第5句举证证物清单 把Gant和伪造证据联系在了一起 就这个问题继续 -\-\-Evidence&Forgery-\-\- 1.For all I know,you could have planted them in my office. 2.Anyway,you can't prove "when" those pieces ...

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